
Seeds of chicory salads: witloof, endive, escarole, radicchio, leaf, head, Catalunya (puntarelle), curly, wild, etc.
Catalunya Chicory "Rossa Italiana" - Cichorium intybus var. foliosum.
Mid-season leafy variety. The plant forms a powerfully raised rosette. The leaves are very delicate, strongly dissected, dark green.
The petioles are claret. ..
Leaf chicory "Bianca di Milano".
An amazing solution for diabetics from nature itself.
Medium early head variety. The rosette of leaves is raised, 20 cm high, 35 cm in diameter.
The leaf is large, round, with a crispy consistency. Head o..
Chicory escarole "Variegata di Castelfranco" - Cichorum endivia var. latifolium.
Medium early variety. Forms a large head of cabbage with large rounded "sprayed with paint" leaves and a short stem.
In the cold, the leaves b..
Radicchio chicory "Rossa di Treviso 3" - Cichorium intybus L.
An mid-late ripe variety, the period from mass shoots to technical ripeness is 105-115 days. The head is oval, loose, weighing 350 g.
The leaf is large, oblong, dark ..
Chicory salat "Palla Rossa precoce".
Mid-season, high-yielding variety. The rosette of leaves is semi-erect, up to 30 cm in diameter, 15 cm high. The leaves are round, dark red, slightly wavy along the edge, with a whitish main vein, which..
Cichory escarol "Variegata Esposizione di Castelfranco" - Cichorum endivia var. latifolium.
Mid-late grade. Forms a large head of cabbage with large rounded "sprayed with paint" leaves and a short stem. In the cold, the leaves be..
Curly endive "Pancalieri a Costa Bianca" - Cichorium endivia.
An irreplaceable vitamin vegetable for diabetics.
Early cuyltivar. This variety is grown both In greenhouses and outdoors for spring and summer harvest. This plant is unde..
Escarole chicory "Bionda a Cuore Pieno" - Cichorum endivia.
Medium late grade.
Sow from May to August, harvest from September to late December.
Plain-leaved endive "Gigante di Bergamo".
A medium-late variety. Grown outdoors and in greenhouses. This is a very valuable vegetable, assisting to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. Intibin, a substance giving bitter flavour, improv..
Endive escarole "Bubikopf".
Mid-season variety. The plant is large enough with a full and compact bush. The leaves are large, rounded, wrinkled, tender and crunchy.
1,0 g = 550-600 seeds.
Endive escarole "Nuance".
Medium early variety: growing season 80 days.
Contains easily digestible inulin, necessary for patients with diabetes.
Increases the tone of the body, improves appetite and digestion, has a beneficial effect on ..
Leaf chicory "Catalogna Brindisina" - Cichorium intybus var. foliosum.
Early leafy variety. The plant forms a powerful raised rosette. The leaves are very delicate, elongated, green. Petioles are white.
Young leaves contain a la..
Sugar leaf chicory "Da Taglio Bionda a foglie larghe" - Cichorium intybus var. foliosum.
Early ripening variety. The plant is rounded, light green in color with erect leaves, very delicate and sugary. It grows back after сutting.
Leaf chicory "Grumolo Rossa e Verde" (duo mix).
An ideal product for diabetics.
CHICORIUM is a biennial plant that forms a root crop in the first year, and seed shoots and seeds in the second. It is relatively undemanding to soil and clim..
Leaf chicory "Orchidea Rossa" - Cichorium intybus var. foliosum.
Compact rosette made of juicy and crispy leaves. An early ripe variety from the Castelfranco group. Used fresh.
Eng.: Leaf chicory. Suom.: Salaattisikuri. Sven.: ..
Witloof Chicory ''Bravo'' - Cichorium intybus var. sativum.
Improves digestion Perennial vegetable plant of the Compositae family, cultivated as a biennial or annual. As a salad, 2 types are grown-endive chicory and witloof chic..
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